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Dec 14: Hope Through Times of Struggle

“When the storms of life come……the godly have a lasting foundation.”

Proverbs 10:25

       I tell my story only because I want to share the HOPE I have in my Lord Jesus.

       Around the second week of October 2023, on my way to work, my car was hit by not one but two deer. On December 22, 2023, I was shopping and wanted something that was over my head. I got up on my tiptoes to get it when I heard a pop, and there was extreme pain in my left foot. During this time, I was also diagnosed with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and was told to wear compression socks. About four weeks ago, I was rolling down the lightweight compression sock I was wearing, and when I stood up, the outside of my right ankle was painful. X-rays showed a fracture of the fibula. Just from rolling down a sock! Another doctor’s appointment, and my osteopenia has progressed to osteoporosis. 

       Rogue deer, wrenched knee, fractured foot, inflammatory arthritis, osteopenia, CVI, fractured fibula, osteoporosis, all in one year. It had gotten to the point where if I didn’t laugh, I would cry and never stop. 

       That’s when I had a pity party, and the only guest invited was myself. I cried, “Lord, why?! What have I done to deserve all of this? Don’t You love me anymore? Don’t You care about me?” That night, I received a phone call from a good friend who let me know that she and all my friends in the choir were thinking about me and missed me. She prayed for me and asked God to send me a sign to let me know that He loved me and I wasn’t alone. When she was done, I told her that God had already answered that prayer and the sign He sent was her phone call. 

       The next day, another friend called and asked if I would like some food that was left over from a lunch that was held at the FLC. God was showing me again that I am loved and thought of. 

Jesus gave me His signs, and I will always be grateful. I have a lot more HOPE for my future today. 

       If you have similar problems, cry out to God. Even if you’re angry with Him, let Him know. He knows anyway. It helps to get it off your chest and out into the open, even if you’re the only one in the room.

       Remember, this Christmas season, Jesus was sent here to give HOPE for salvation to mankind through His love and compassion. Let Him give you this HOPE today.

“There is surely a future HOPE for you, and your HOPE will not be cut off.”

Proverbs 23:18

Christianne Gray

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